still PVA


my sweet honey miss ROCK
how are u doing?
yesterday i was dreaming about u.
i always love u and everlasting love for u!

hi, everyone, whats up?
this is twice writing because its energy is down suddenly.
sometimes doing that.

i took a cold shower everyday
and fighting moskitos everytime.

today, i had some treatment that are fine for me

bowing bowing bowing,

and then, i was walking around the hospital when i had no plan, dr. poilans car picked me up from behind
so i went the small city
bought cookies and bakerly and my closses like indians.

i think i can not to eat curry rice tonight,
so i cooked a chikin soup with a lot of vesitables, and
avokado that taste of gurlic picks with bread
its delicious too much too much

bout 1 thing im thinking
nobody knows about me and nobody say what have to do
and nobody ask each other
its nice for me perhaps,,,

i thinking about me everyday until sleep(sleeping soon, so well)...haha
never wanna ansers what i am.

im really loved with drinking alcohol!
i wanna sing a song about love on big voice and shaking on my hipborn!
taboo is arlight, isnt it?

please take care of me!